YOUTH-REC project

Youth-REC is a project that aims to address the issue of the decreasing engagement and participation of young people in European politics and democracy. The project brings together 7 partners from different countries and regions of Europe to develop and utilize innovative and creative methods in youth work. The project’s motivation stems from the declining turnout in European elections and the disinterest in traditional forms of politics and democracy, especially among marginalized youth. Youth-REC aims to engage, connect and empower young people by giving them a voice, training them in useful skills and providing them with a constructive outlet for their frustrations.

The objectives of the project are:

  • To engage, connect, and empower youth.
  • To combat low and falling rates of engagement and participation in civic society, as well as low trust in democratic structures.
  • To use creative methods in storytelling, filmmaking, and graphic design to engage and empower disenfranchised European youth.
  • To improve the skills of youth workers who will be implementing these creative methods.

The expected results are:

  • Develop a manual for youth workers to engage disenfranchised youth.
  • The manual will include research, best practices, and a workshop guide.
  • Youth will participate in workshops where they will produce films and campaigns.
  • The films and campaigns will be on issues personal to them and/or their communities.
  • The films and campaigns will have visual brands and will be available on YouTube and the project website.
  • Local and international events will be held to celebrate the project and promote the campaigns.


Our partners:

  • I&F
  • ÖJAB
  • KNOW & CAN


For further information, please visit:


Posted on

3rd April 2023