Restorative Dialogue Against Violent Radicalisation



development, piloting and transfer of an innovative model for the capacity building of criminal justice professionals and volunteers(e.g. prison officers, probation staff, police and community based practitioners) working with offenders, ex-offenders or individuals who are at risk of being groomed into violent radicalisation and/ or group offending.


-A face-to-face CPD accredited training course for professionals/ volunteers to develop news skills and knowledge in adults allowing them to better support their beneficiaries in fostering resilience using dialogue and the values and practices of restorative justice.

-Design of the programme as CPD accredited e-course and its translation into all participating languages.

-Ebook with comparative studies.


-Adult learners working directly with offenders, ex-offenders and those at risk of violent radicalisation / group violence
-Local, regional or national level authorities working in the areas of restorative justice
-Migrants communities


Restorative Justice for All (RJ4All) -coordinator, UK
Büyük Ortadoğu Sağlık ve Eğitim Vakfı(BOSEV – Greater Middle East Health andEducation Foundation), Turkey
Casa Eslava, Spain
Centrul Pentru Promovarea InvatariiPermanente – CPIP, Romania
Sinergia s.c.s., Italy
Tuzla Halk Eğitimi Merkezi, Turkey
I & F Education, Ireland

Fort further info please see: – restorativedialogue

You may download our brochure here: RDaVR Leaflet-rev


Posted on

4th March 2021