DISCOVER Project: Discover interests, skills, competences and become an entrepreneur

We are delighted to let you all know that the Discover project presented by Wisamar in Germany has been approved. Apart from I & F other partners include countries like Poland, Romania, Spain and a second partner from Germany.


Our project website can be accessed here:

Description of the Project

According to Eurostat statistics from July 2016 over 16 million people were unemployed in the euro area (EA-19). And even in the countries with comparatively lower unemployment rate, long-term or structural unemployment is a great challenge. One approach to solve these problems is seen in fostering entrepreneurship as core component of economic. (EU 2013; GEM 2014). The Europe 2020 strategy recognises entrepreneurship and self-employment as key for achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

The “Missing Entrepreneurs” series, a joint publication by OECD and the European Commission, states that several groups – like women, youth, seniors, unemployed and people with disabilities – are underrepresented in entrepreneurship or face greater barriers. Also people from ethnic minorities and immigrants experience greater barriers than native entrepreneurs. (

One focus point of the European Commission is on business start-ups by unemployed and people from vulnerable groups. Considering the idea of inclusive entrepreneurship every one – also persons that are not seen as classical or typical entrepreneur – should have the chance to start-up and make their living.

But nevertheless, there are many barriers: a lack of financial capital, a lack of entrepreneurship skills (technical skills, business management skills and personal entrepreneurial skills) and a lack of social capital (personal and professional networks) are the most relevant ones.

The DISCOVER project focuses on the second aspect – the lack of entrepreneurship skills – and will tackle this with the development of a systematic support programme focusing on empowerment and motivation, planning and qualification as well as starting-up and consolidating.

Especially in phases or re-orientation and starting something new, it is crucial to first look back and get aware of the own strengths but also the further training needs. Therefore special attention is paid to the first three aspects – empowerment, motivation and planning. This will be done with the help of the ProfilPASS approach.

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The ProfilPASS is a portfolio for self-reflection and validation of competences developed in Germany in 2002 by the DIE – Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung – Leibniz-Zentrum für Lebenslanges Lernen e.V., DIPF Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung and the ies – Institut für Entwicklungsplanung und Strukturforschung and since than implemented with great success. The portfolio takes into account all areas of lifelong learning, informal, non-formal and formal learning contexts and is therefore especially suitable for target groups with less success – or less proofs – in formal education. With the help of a professional counsellor, the tool helps recognizing skills and competences (strengths) and therefore supports the empowerment of the client as well as the formulation of goals. It besides provides a structured process to develop next steps and future plans.
Intellectual Output 1 therefore foresees the adaptation of the ProfilPASS to an additional ProfilPASS focusing on entrepreneurship.

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For a successful ProfilPASS consultancy but also for successful starting-up support for unemployed, personal support is needed. For this reason, in the second Intellectual Output an accompanying guidance handbook will be developed. This will serve as a manual for coaches and counsellors who want to work with the ProfilPASS, offering practical information on the counselling process, background information on entrepreneurship, sensibilisation for the target group and additional material to support the guidance process.
The third output focuses on qualification, starting-up and consolidating. In order to address these topics, a tool box with self-study will be compiled. The tool box will contain material fostering the development of for entrepreneurs’ necessary technical skills, business management skills and personal entrepreneurial skills. In addition, there will be links to other projects and sources for financial support etc.

Cross-national information and experience exchange on inclusive entrepreneurship, on entrepreneurship competences including their validation as well as on entrepreneurship training will enrich the project and lead to a European approach for a common European problem and as such support the idea of the European Area of Lifelong Learning.


Posted on

8th October 2018