Beat Burnout project
The project is focusing on women working remotely because they are a particularly vulnerable group. They are more likely to feel burnt out and experience social exclusion, and this is especially true for women of color. By listening to the stories of women who are working remotely, the project will identify the challenges they face and develop training material for HR managers, managers and leaders that addresses these challenges.
It is important for leaders and business owners to recognize that working remotely does not automatically mean that employees are immune to burnout. They have a responsibility to help employees identify the signs of burnout and take the necessary steps to alleviate it. Burnout has serious consequences for mental health, and it can also be contagious and affect entire workplaces.
The lack of knowledge on how to work with mental health at the workplace is a major problem, and the project will help fill this gap by providing guidance and support to leaders, managers, and HR managers. By promoting better mental health and preventing burnout among women working remotely, the project will contribute to greater gender equality in the workplace and a more productive and supportive work environment for all employees.
The BB project aims to prevent burnout and social exclusion of women in the labor market through the following objectives:
- Building a strong network partnership of 8 participating organizations across 8 European countries to develop strategies.
- Creating hands-on material and trainings for managers to define difficulties faced by women working remotely.
- Developing awareness about social exclusion risks for women in the workplace among European citizens and organizations.
- Establishing a training program and guidelines for HR managers, managers, leaders, and coaches to support remote working women.
- Providing learning opportunities about burnout risks for remote working women and managers.
- Training managers with skills needed to support their remote employees.
- Promoting exchange between final users at regional and country levels.
The expected results are:
- Increase awareness about the difficulties of women working remote and the potential threat of social exclusion and discrimination of career paths.
- Prevent burnout for women working remotely.
- Knowledge exchange between managers, leaders and coaches on an European level, highlighting the importance to tackle difficulties for women.
- Knowledge exchange between women working remotely being a risk group for burnout.
- Decrease gender gap in organizations.
Our partners:
- I&F
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